DIY Lip Balm with Cocoa Butter - Recipe with Essential Oils

Do you love the feeling of soft, smooth lips? If so, you'll love this easy DIY lip balm with cocoa butter recipe! Made with natural ingredients besides cocoa butter, this lip balm will keep your lips hydrated all day long. Plus, it smells amazing! So why not give it a try?

Store-bought lip balms can be expensive, and they often contain ingredients that you may not want to put on your lips. This easy diy lip balm recipe uses natural ingredients like cocoa butter and beeswax, and it only takes a few minutes to make. Plus, it's way cheaper than buying a tube of lip balm from the store! Use this recipe a try next time your lips need some TLC.

Benefits of DIY Lip Balm with Cocoa Butter

You may not think of lip balm as a health and wellness product, but if you're using one that contains cocoa butter, you should! Cocoa butter has a range of benefits for your lips, including protecting them from the sun and helping to keep them hydrated. Plus, it smells delicious! So if you're looking for a way to protect your pucker and keep it healthy, be sure to make this lip balm that contain cocoa butter. You won't regret it!

Cocoa Butter Lip Balm Recipe with Essential Oils

Do you love lip balm but don't love all the chemicals in it? Do you want to make your own lip balm but don't know where to start? This cocoa butter lip balm recipe is perfect for you! It's easy to make, contains only natural ingredients, and will keep your lips feeling soft and hydrated.

This cocoa butter lip balm recipe with essential oils also uses beeswax, olive oil, and castor oil to keep your lips hydrated! We’ve also added spearmint essential oil for an extra boost of scent and healing.


  • 1 tbsp cocoa butter
  • 1 tbsp beeswax
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp castor oil
  • 15 drops of spearmint essential oil

Tutorial Steps:

  1. Add the cocoa butter and beeswax to a double boiler over low heat and melt until combined
  2. Add the olive oil and castor oil and stir, making sure not to overheat
  3. Remove from heat and add the spearmint essential oil
  4. Pour into lip balm tubes or any other type of container you’d like to use
  5. Allow to cool and solidify for around 30 minutes

Make sure the mixture has fully cooled inside of the containers before attempting to use it since using it while it’s still too hot can burn your lips and spill since the mixture won’t be fully solidified yet.

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About the Author: Jenni Mac

Hi, I’m Jenni! I am a health and beauty blogger that loves making homemade beauty products. I have been blogging for over five years now about natural products, DIY skin care, inner beauty, and anything else to do with natural living.

Here you will learn all about DIY lip balm! From DIY recipes, to recipes for lip scrubs and glosses, this site has it all! With witty posts about how to take care of your lips in the winter and summer, you'll find everything you need to keep them happy and healthy.

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